Magic Mysteries

I like to put my thinking into gear to "see" the world in its true,
magical nature. We are regularly surrounded by fascinating
secrets, mysteries, and, yes indeed, even miracles. Read on...
Just received notice of the scheduled airdate for the first in a series of documentaries of interest. "Secrets of the Freemasons"
will air at 9:00 PM (Eastern) on Monday, May 15th on the National
Geographic Channel. It will re-air on Saturday, May 20th, at 10:00
Dan Brown's DaVinci Code movie is creating quite a coat-tail of
interest in the media to ride.
Gayle Nobles of Wichita, Brion Wilson of Cheney and Diane Briggs of
Augusta all vanished into thin air Thursday night from the middle
of the Century II stage during magician David Copperfield's show. I
don't think anyone should worry though, the air isn't all that thin
in Wichita.
I watched “Keith Barry: Extraordinary” last night on CBS. He
presented himself as the “psychological illusionist” and says that
this highlights his unique brand of entertainment. I thought the
show was ok. There were some strong effects and some not so strong
effects. I'll have to rate the show as a 4 on my "watchability"
scale ( 1-12 ).
Keith Barry is a young Irish magician, still in his 20s, who has
caught on quickly. He had a series in Ireland that reportedly went
to 28 countries.
I had a psychic, lucid dream last night that went something like this...
For a brief, psychic moment last week, Connecticut congresswoman
Nancy Johnson had the idea to write a bill requiring all members of
legislature to pay taxes that they levy on the rest of us. She
mentioned this to some of her colleagues over lunch. There was
complete silence for a long minute. Then they all chuckled.
My buddy Dennis was chatting with me on the phone today and told me
that his wife, Cathy ( a statuesque blonde ), was watching a show
on their high definition TV, and listening through the
state-of-the-art, wireless headphones when she turned to him and
said, "Hey, I can clearly hear everything you're saying!"
I was feuling up my car today, and became quite concerned about the
high gas prices recently...went inside to pay, and was directed to
their loan department.
There is always something magical in the news...
Probe into gas mystery
The Scotsman - May 08 3:34 AM
ENGINEERS are today investigating a mysterious gas smell that has
been reported in the Capital and across Scotland.
**We get this phenomenon here, too. The gas smells are usually
noticable just after lunch. Our engineers are investigating, also.
SALT LAKE CITY - A disease that can deform trout continues to
spread swiftly through Utah's waterways. The trout malady has cost millions of dollars at three state hatcheries that tested positive and had to be shut down for lengthy
decontamination periods. The disease causes the trout to chase
their own tail and eventually leads to their starvation.
** Politicians have been doing this for years.One correspondent suggested that we could put in some detergent, and clothing to make a "natural" washing machine. Now there's a
neat idea.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A wheelchair-bound Los Angeles woman, who
has repeatedly filed lawsuits over access for the disabled, got up
and ran after police arrested her for fraud.
** This is not only magic, it's a miracle!!
Thanks for reading. Here's wishing everyone a great, and magical
day. Return often, tell your friends, subscribe, and click an ad link or two
to continue your journey through the world of magical experience.
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