Thursday, April 20, 2006

Psychic Debris

No self-respecting magician would be caught in conversation without knowing something about the psychic world, and psychic phenomena. Pick a card. What's your card? "3 of spades." I knew that. I saw it in your mind. "What does it mean?" It might be that something small is about to change. "Oh? Like my husband is about to get bigger?" Something like that. "This is exciting!" Could be your dog is going to need more food everyday because he's growing. "Probably means that something in the car is going to change." Yes, I predict that gas prices are going to change..... upward, of course. "How do you do that?" It's a gift.

After mentalist sessions such as this, there is left all sorts of psychic vibes left around the performance site. Stuff such as: strange footsteps, bending flatwear, and old, smelly, cups with festering tea leaves. This stuff can last for days depending how spooked the sitter has become. And, if there were spectators about, things can get real complicated. Complicated enough for the Ghosthunters to be called in to do a half-hour show.

Not to worry. The question of "who ya gonna call?" finally has an answer. It's in Canada at the moment... where everything worthwhile is invented... but soon to appear in your neighborhood, at the same "speed of light" that the cable companies use to bring you their crackerjack services.

Check it out at the link below.

WITSTERblog: Psychic Debris

Please stop back often, and let me in on your comments and questions as we proceed through the realms of Mindmyst's Magic.


Blogger The Witster said...

Thanks for the link to my site. I came across while doing a vanity search on I know I'm only 6 months late with this note, but thought I should recongize it anyway.
- Paul V (Witsterblog)

11:14 AM  

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