Workup for performance june 11, 2012
Workup of current news items...
great colorado/new mexican fires -
Firefighters on Sunday (6/10) were fighting wildfires that have spread quickly in parched forests in Colorado and New Mexico, forcing hundreds of people to evacuate.
AP -
The latest New Mexico fire is smaller than the Whitewater-Baldy fire — the largest in the state's history — but it's more concerning to authorities because it started closer to homes.
The fire was burning in steep, rocky, inaccessible terrain in the White Mountain Wilderness of the Lincoln National Forest, which is home to Smokey Bear, who became the nation's symbol of fire prevention in the 1940s.
More than 300 firefighters were battling the blaze with help from three large air tankers, three heavy helicopters and three Blackhawk helicopters. There were also 100 National Guard troops in Ruidoso.
From KVIATV, abc affiliate... and dialog material reactions
Strange sky sounds around the world
Some strange things are happening, and it is obviously causing worldwide intrigue.
Many report hearing a strange sound, similar to ocean waves, but much louder and sinister in nature. This was not an isolated incident. Reports of the sound literally stretched from one end of the country to the other.
The sound was heard by thousands and documented by many videos that can be found on YouTube
One of my favorite recordings is this one from Oregon...
Most have dismissed the sounds for the most part. The internet is alive with chatter about it worldwide, in fact it’s even reached tourists staying in Paris hotels, but few in the country itself think that the sound is of some supernatural origin. A lot of the fervor around the world comes from other reports of strange sounds in different locales paired with a heavy dose of religious undertones.
rev 8:5 The angel took the censer, and he filled it with the fire of the altar, and threw it on the earth. There followed thunders, sounds, lightnings, and an earthquake.
8:6 The seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
Another favorite with a performance theme...
Fires and Sounds are currently "happening", and in the news. These provide thought provoking background for your appearance as a magician. Added to this would be an appropriate prank to set an interactive scene.
Here is an Alien Crash Prank that's great, and can be developed into your magical presentation as a 'set' piece, either 'nearby', or 'interactive.'
Along with the last idea, above, I've maintained an 'alien' in my classroom closets throughout my teaching career. I still continue to receive comments and questions about the 'phenomenon.'
I can't perform miracles... only God can do that. But, I can put together magical set ups for fun pranks and performances. These could be 'stand alone', or worked up to provide a 'setting' for a "Close Encounters..." backyard showing, tall tales around the fire, or a 'what if...' mathemagical piece.
Break a thread,
Labels: backyard magic, Magic Tricks, magician, miller's mysteries, Mindfreak, mystery, Secrets Solved, shaman, spooky, Street Magician
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